VPN Login with MFA

To better protect College services and logins, we have enabled multi-factor authentication (MFA) when connecting to the College virtual private network (VPN).

Step-by-step guide

  1. Launch the VPN client as normal.
  2. Click the Connect button
  3. Enter your VPN username
  4. Enter your VPN password
  5. Type in the appropriate text for your chosen 'second factor' verification
    1. push > for a push notification
    2. phone > to call your registered cell phone (phone2 to call your second device, if registered)
    3. sms  > to have a set of passcodes texted to your registered cell phone (intial login will fail; then use a new passcode)
    4. enter in the passcode displayed on your Duo fob
      1. or the temporary passcode given to you by the Help Desk
      2. or from a self-generated passcode (see this article about backup codes).
  6. Click OK
  7. Respond to the second factor as appropriate.

More information about selecting a second password: