Canvas Notifications: Recommended settings

Canvas Notifications: Recommended settings

Notifications are cool, here's why:

Rather than necessarily having to login to Canvas to see if there are new Conversations, Assignments, quizzes, etc, Canvas has a broad array of notifications it can send you to let you know that "somethings going on."  You can choose the specific types of Canvas activities that will generate a notification.  By default the notifications will be sent to your Whitman email address, but you can also register your mobile phone number to receive text messages, or download the Canvas mobile app and set push notifications to be sent to you.

How to find and set Notifications:

General things to be aware of:

  • There are two types of activity notifications:  a “Notification” to email, SMS, etc, and the Course Activity Stream which displays inside Canvas.  There are some limited cases where no “Notification” goes out, but it does show up in the Course Activity Stream and vise versa.
  • Notifications to students cannot be controlled by faculty members.  Each person in Canvas can set the way they choose to receive Notifications.  Faculty members can, however, make recommendations to students on how to set their Notifications.
  • In general, Notifications can be set to be sent to you immediately, daily, weekly, or never.  However,…
  • … Canvas mobile apps and text notifications can only be sent to you right away or never.  They don’t work with daily or weekly summaries.
  • Notifications are set for a person’s entire account, but can be overridden by settings made for individual courses.
  • You may be able to reply to emails Notifications from Canvas, but they won’t contain attachments from within Canvas.

WCTS suggestions:  notifications to pay attention to

The following is not an exhaustive list of all settings,(see this PDF for a complete listing and explanations), but rather highlights that faculty members may choose to change from their default state to something else, as well as recommend their students set in a certain way.


(red star)= recommended for faculty member’s own notifications

✏️ = recommended notifications for students to enable, as directed by faculty member(s).

(warning) =  Faculty members who use this Canvas function— consider telling students about this notification.

Course Activities

✏️ Due Date — Basically means any time a due date is added or changed to anything (new or existing)

✏️ Course Content — Notifications generated when you (faculty member) make a change to an Assignment, Quiz, or Page AND you check “notify users” when you do so. (There are a few limited exceptions where a notification will go out, but most of the time, you’re in control)

✏️ Announcements and Announcements Created by You — self-explanatory

(red star) Grading —  (Differs from “Grading Policies” notification).  Addresses grade availability for students for individual assignments, quizzes, etc, faculty members can have the notifications include the actual grades.

(warning) Invitations — Alert you to invitations to collaborate on something in a course, e.g. Collaboration (Google Doc), Conference, Peer Review etc.

(red star) All Submissions — Notify faculty member that an individual student has submitted something to you.  By default, this notification is turned off.

(red star) Late Grading — Notifies faculty members— a student has submitted a late assignment.

✏️ Submission Comments — Notifies student that there are comments on an assignment (and what the comments are), or notifies them that an instructor has re-uploaded their submission.


(warning) All settings in this area


(red star) ✏️ Added To Conversation — Someone in the course added you to an existing Conversation.  You can reply to it from your email account as long as you don’t have attachments associated with it.

(red star) ✏️  Conversation Message — You have been sent a conversation


(warning) All settings in this area


(red star) Administrative Notifications — Includes accepted course enrollments, generated reports, context export, migration export, new account users, and new student groups.  Applies only to instructors

(red star) Content Link Error — A student clicks on a link that is “broken” (because the content is unpublished, because they don’t have permission to view it, or because its just broken).  This notification is for instructors.