New Staff

New Staff

As a new staff member arriving at Whitman, there are a few general procedures, practices, and services that you should be aware of. Follow the links below for more information.

  • Activating Your Account: As soon as you recieve your account information, you should activate your Whitman account. This will allow you to access your Whitman email, access network resources, and use complementary services such as Google Drive and Office 365. You will need to have your 7-digit account number ready in order to activate your account.
  • Your staff ID Card: Your Whitman ID card allows you to access buildings, as well as to make charges to your Whitman account from several on-campus locations such as the bookstore and dining halls. 
  • Using Email: Information on accessing your email, controlling junk mail, and working with listserves.

Supervisors/Directors: Do you have a new staff member joining you soon?

If so, you'll want to fill out our New Staff Account Request Form