Accessing WhitMail

Accessing WhitMail

On the Web

Accessing WhitMail is as easy as visiting the WhitMail log-in page and entering your Whitman username and password. 

Using Outlook with WhitMail (Windows computers only)

Prior to beginning this process:

Donwnload and install the Google Workplace Sync for Microsoft Outlook (GWSMO).  This utility can be downloaded from https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync   Once downloaded, run the file googleappsyncsetup.exe, it will connect to the Internet and begin its download and install.  When completed, you will need to sign into the Google Apps page with your Whitman College email address:

Once you have signed in, you will be directed to the following page wherein GWSMO will request the following permissions:

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click "Accept".  WCTS has vetted these permissions with the Google Apps for Education team.  Once you have clicked accept, you should receive the following message:  " Authorization has been granted successfully. Please switch to your application.".  At this point, you should see a blinking icon on your taskbar:

Maximize this window and choose "Create profile".  You should then receive the following window and can safely start Outlook.


You will probably want to deselect the screen that shows the Outlook sync when Outlook starts up.  

Once the procedure is complete, upon startup Outlook will prompt you to choose a profile:

If you are setting up GWSMO prior to your migration and still want to access Zimbra, do not choose a default profile - this can be changed once your migration has been completed and you no longer desire access to Zimbra.  If your migration is complete and you will only be accessing this profile, click "Options" and put a check in the box "Set as default profile".

On your Computer

To set up WhitMail on your computer you will need to configure a email client program such as Thunderbird, Mac Mail, or mobile email programs.  

** Note: Before setting up an email client you must do the following two things. ** 

  1. Change your Password: If you have not changed your Whitman password since your conversion to WhitMail, go to the online password changer and change your password.  You may "change" it to the same password it was before by simply re-entering your old password, but you must go through this process for email clients to function properly. 
  2. Enable POP/IMAP: Log into WhitMail, go to Mail Settings in the upper right hand corner by clicking on the Sprocket icon, select Forwarding and POP/IMAP and make sure to Enable IMAP.  Make sure you select Save Changes before you exit out of your settings.  

Use the following server information to set-up your WhitMail account on an email client program. 

Incoming Server Information

  • Type: IMAP
  • Server: imap.googlemail.com
  • Port: 993
  • Security Settings: SSL (do not use secure authentication)
  • Authentication: Full Whitman email ( username@whitman.eduand password

Outgoing Server Information

  • Type: SMTP
  • Server: smtp.googlemail.com
  • Port:  25
  • Security Settings: TLS
  • Authentication: Full Whitman email ( username@whitman.edu) and Password

If you need help configuring your email client program with Whitmail, Gmail's IMAP support page has tutorials for virtually every email client program. 

On your Mobile Device

If you would like to set up your WhitMail account on your mobile device (smartphone, iPad, etc.) please see our WhitMail mobile guide.

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