Zoom: Start here

Zoom: Start here

Zoom meeting connections work most reliably if you connect your device to wired network connection instead of wi-fi. 

If you can't do this, don't lose sleep over this.  If you are on the Whitman campus, almost all offices, classrooms, and residence hall rooms have the wired network ports available in the wall.  For question, please contact us.

Installing Zoom

Click Download Zoom (starts automatically) and double click the file to install (bottom).

Signing in to Zoom correctly

You do not need to sign in unless you are the person starting up the Zoom session.  If you are just joining, you do not need to sign in, unless you want to use virtual backgrounds.  Other non-sign in restrictions may also exist.

  1. Go to https://whitman.zoom.us
  2. Click “Sign In with SSO" ← NOT any of the other options like Google, etc.
  3. Company domain is "whitman.zoom.us"

More information about signing in with SSO.

Managing who can access your meeting

Learn about this here.

Scheduling a Zoom meeting

Learn about this here.

Breakout Rooms: dividing up your class or team into small groups

This feature is available to the host of a Zoom meeting and allows for the assignment of students into different groups.  The groups can then "breakout" into separate "rooms" and have sessions of their own.  The host can join any of the sessions and switch between any of the sessions at any time. Learn more.

Closed Captions and Transcriptions

Learn about this here.


Zoom gives you the ability to record a meeting (if you are the meeting organizer).  If you do record, you can record either to Zoom's Cloud or to your computer. Learn more

Sharing video clips in Zoom

Want to share video clip with others in your Zoom session?  Here's how.

Zoom Virtual Backgrounds

Zoom Virtual Backgrounds allow you to display an image as your background in your video feed, instead of whatever is actually in your background, during a Zoom meeting.  Learn more

Accessing and Changing Account Settings

There are settings in your Zoom account you can set to control your Zoom experience. There are MANY options in settings. What you choose will be the default in any Zoom meeting you create. Look through them and set your meeting defaults following the instructions below:

  1. In the navigation panel, click Account Management then Account Settings. Your account settings will be listed under three tabs: Meeting, Recording, and Telephone.
  2. Navigate to the setting you want to change.
  3. Click the lock icon  to lock a setting. If you lock a setting, users on your account will not be able to change this setting individually and it will also be locked for all groups.

Learning how to use Zoom

Links to Training Videos

  1. How do I join a meeting?

  2. Scheduling a meeting

  3. Meeting Controls 

  4. Breakout Rooms

  5. Closed Captioning

  1. Sign in and Join ← only if you are the one initiating the Zoom session.  Just joining?  You don't need to sign in.
  2. Home
  3. Chat
  4. Phone
  5. Meetings
  6. In-Meeting Controls
  7. Live Training Webinars (free)
  8. How to test my device
  9. Managing who can access your Zoom meeting