Manual updates for Mac OS X

Manual updates for Mac OS X

To Self-install Apple System Updates

If you have received a notification window announcing "Important macOS Updates are Ready" and have chosen to defer the installation, you can run the update manually at your convenience at any time before the follow-up notification appears.


To self-install:
  1. Wait until you have received the first notification window announcing "Important macOS Updates are Ready." 
  2. Select either 12 hours  or 1 day in the drop down menu, and click on Defer.
  3. Please be sure to save your work and close applications and files before proceeding. 
  4. When you’re ready to update (but before the 12 or 24 hours are up) click on Apple Menu (top left corner of desktop)
  5. Select App Store...
  6. Click on Updates (top menu of App Store window)
  7. Install all available updates