Classroom Technology

Classroom Technology

Upgraded smart classrooms: ready for in-person, hybrid, and online teaching and learning

Some parts of smart classrooms will seem familiar, others will not.  We have learning and support resources for you in our new Upgraded Smart Classrooms guide.

What is a "Smart Classroom?"

The most basic requirements for a classroom to be "smart" are a data projector (or large mounted monitor) a projection screen, and a computer or hook up. Some smart classrooms also have document cameras, and integrated sound systems.  During Covid certain technology needs changed so in most classrooms we added at least one camera and connectivity for the purposes of both synchronous and asynchronous learning.   

* Microphones not available by default in all classrooms, same with document cameras.  If you need one, please contact cet@whitman.edu. 

Where Can I Find a Smart Classroom? ← warning: contains some pre-covid era information that may be out of date.

Maxey Hall 
Olin Hall
Hall of Science

Other buildings

Additional Resources

Report a problem with classroom technology - Email: cet@whitman.edu

Smart Classroom Etiquettewarning: contains some pre-covid information that may be out of date.