- Allow participants to return to the main session at any time. When ticked, participants can leave the breakout room and join the main meeting room at anytime. This is a good option if your groups will be breaking in and out of their breakout rooms several times during a session. If left unticked then participants cannot leave the breakout rooms until the rooms are closed by you or by an expiration counter (see below). NOTE: Once the breakout rooms are closed, recreating the same rooms with the same assignments is not easily donequick. If you plan on reusing the same group assignments during a one meeting. it is recommended that you tick this box, . and then cue participants to come in and out of and back into their groups as neededthe breakout rooms as needed (via Broadcast a message to all or by voice) To maintain the same group assignments during the meeting, do not click on Close All Rooms until the end of your class session. If you plan on using the same group/room assignmentss duirng several class sessions, see Use the import from CSV method of assgining breakout rooms below.
- Breakout rooms close automatically after XX minutes. If ticked, this will automatically close the breakout rooms after the number of minutes you enter in the box
- Notify me when time is up. If you need a reminder of when the breakout rooms are closing, tick this box.