What is WCTS?
WCTS stands for Whitman College Technology Services. We manage and support Whitman College's shared technology resources. Our main office and Help Desk are located in Olin 168, with several other offices around campus. WCTS maintains an extensive website that includes everything from information about the staff and technology-related College policies, to detailed instructions for using many of the technology resources on campus. We encourage you to browse our site at http://wcts.whitman.edu.
Who should I call if I have a problem or a question about my office computer?
If you have a problem or general question about your computer or software, or if you aren't sure who to ask, call the WCTS Help Desk at 509-527-4976. You can also email your question to helpdesk@whitman.edu. The Help Desk consultant will either answer your question or forward your inquiry to the subject expert. You may also submit a service request at any time via our website https://webapp.whitman.edu/wcts/.
If you are an administrative user and have questions about computer upgrades, hardware purchasing or software please contact Joelle Chavre, Director of IT Client Services or chavrejc@whitman.edu. If you are from an academic office, contact David Sprunger, Director of Instructional & Learning Technolgy at x4762 or sprungde@whitman.edu.
How do I get a Whitman network and/or email account?
All staff members automatically receive a Whitman account. The credentials for this account enable you to access a personal Zimbra email account, use Whitman wireless, and connect to the Whitman network. Connecting to the Whitman network allows you to access networked fileservers and printers. Your account should be created upon hiring, but it is necessary to activate it before use by going to https://rs.whitman.edu/activate/.
Contact the Help Desk (x4976 or helpdesk@whitman.edu) or visit the WCTS office in Olin 168 for information about accessing and using your accounts.
How do I log-on to my office computer?
Your office computer will be running either Windows 7, 8, 10, or Mac OSX.
To log on to the computer, just enter the credentials as prompted. The username and password are your Whitman username and password that you received upon arrival at Whitman. These credentials are 'case sensitive' so capital letters must be entered as capitals. If you forget your password, contact the Help Desk (x4976 or helpdesk@whitman.edu) for assistance in resetting it. This log on process will also be required to access lab, library, and many smart classroom computers.
What are the basics for using my computer?
We have many support pages to help you learn the basics of using your computer and the various resources that are available through Whitman. Below are a short list of sections that may be of particular interest to incoming Staff members:
- Security & Updates: Information on specific topics such as backing up, virus protection, passwords, updates, and more.
- Email: Setting up and using your Whitman email account. Topics include forwarding your email to another address and setting vacation messages.
- netFiles: What netFiles is and how to use the service. To access netFiles directly, go tohttps://netfiles.whitman.edu.
- Network File Storage: All about storing files on the Whitman servers. This includes information on how to access your K: drive.
- Printing: Instructions on how to print from your computer.
How do I use Whitman email?
For details on how to use your account, please see our Email support section.
Can WCTS provide hardware, maintenance, and repair for my home computer?
No. WCTS does not provide support for personally-owned equipment, whether located in your home or on campus. We are responsible for the repair and maintenance of College-owned equipment that is part of the WCTS inventory.
However, we have many Support Guides online with documentation about Printing, Computer Security, Software, and other topics. If you are having issues with your computer, you may want to start there.
Is there a special discount for purchasing a computer for home use?
You can receive educational discounts from many major manufacturers. For your convenience links to both the Apple and Dell educational sites have been provided below.
Just go to the "Higher Education" area on the manufacturers website and links should point you towards using an educational discount. You can purchase computers and equipment by credit card or check, and have the merchandise sent directly to you.
Does WCTS provide hardware maintenance and repair for my office computer?
Yes. WCTS supports all College-owned equipment that is purchased and installed by WCTS. We also support equipment purchased by your department if it is purchased either through or in consultation with WCTS, and is included in the College's equipment inventory. We do not guarantee support for all types and brands of equipment, which is why it is important to check with us to see if the specific brand or piece of equipment you are thinking of purchasing is something we are able to support.
What software does WCTS support?
WCTS provides full support for Whitman's "Standard Software Package", when installed on College-owned computers. Supported software includes the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), as well as a large collection of additional software packages. Contact the Help Desk (x4976 or helpdesk@whitman.edu), if you need information about availability and support for specialized software applications.
Where can I get access to a scanner or other equipment that I don't have in my own office?
Scanners are available in numerous locations around campus, including the WCTS training room (Olin 180) which is available for you as a workspace when workshops are not in session. General access scanners are located in the Library, Olin computer lab (Olin 165), Maxey lab (Maxey 107), Science 127, and the Hunter Multimedia lab. For information on setting up and using printers and scanners, please see our Printing guide.
The Hunter Multimedia Lab also offers access to more advanced equipment such as slide scanners, film printers, CD burners, camcorders, and more (see the WCTS packet for details). Some departments have equipment such as scanners and specialized printers available in departmental labs as well. Contact the WCTS Help Desk (x4976 orhelpdesk@whitman.edu) if you need information about equipment availability.
How can I get my office computer upgraded?
WCTS equipment is normally on a five year replacement cycle. You will be contacted when your machine is slated for replacement. If you have concerns or computer needs, talk to Joelle Chavre, she can tell you more about procedures for requesting equipment.
Do you have laptop computers that I can check out?
Yes. WCTS maintains a small pool of Macintosh and PC 'loaner laptops'. They are available for short term checkout (less than 2 weeks) for Whitman-related use, on a "first-reserve, first-pickup" basis. Contact Ronnelle Partlow (x5415) or the Help Desk (x4976 or helpdesk@whitman.edu) to request a laptop loan.
Do you offer workshops or training on using certain programs or creating web pages?
WCTS offers training workshops on a regular basis. The workshop schedule is available on-line through the WCTS web page Training and Workshops. You can register for workshops, or arrange for individual one-on-one consultation.
Can I connect a fax machine or a conference phone to my phone line?
If you need to connect a fax machine or a conference phone to your phone line, please contact the Help Desk at x4976 or helpdesk@whitman.edu.
For general information about using Whitman phones, see our Campus Phone & Voicemail pages.
Who do I contact for help with Datatel?
Please contact ais@whitman.edu with any questions concerning Datatel.
Note: Your datatel password will be different than your standard Whitman password.
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